
Later stephen king amazon
Later stephen king amazon

later stephen king amazon

He usually throws in a kicker at the end, and this story is no exception. This is just one of many Stephen King books I have read, and so I am familiar with his style(s) of writing, even as far back as the original "The Stand". I don’t want to ramble forever but I would wholeheartedly recommend this one if you like fast paced stories with a little bit of humanity, horror, action, ghosts, and monsters in all their forms I’m glad to see others agreeing with this sentiment I was so ready to smash that 5 star button until that very last reveal! It wouldn’t be a King book if someone didn’t have a mommy problem, but, it didn’t work for me at all. Jamie’s mom runs a literary agency and mentions many, many books & authors including Sue Grafton. I think he meant to keep a slightly lighter tone and focus more on the people than the scares in this one.Īnother of my favorite King aspects is that he loves to shout out his prior novels and other authors too.

later stephen king amazon

Some King books are downright horrifying but Later never quite fit that mold even when it was in it’s horror element. I was absolutely never bored, and thankfully never that scared either. Nothing like an eccentric old man that likes to make fairy tales sound academic and terrible, right? I love the characters too, from Jamie to his mom to the old professor that the family stays friends with and eventually guides Jamie through his murdery ghost problem. It’s a coming of age story for Jamie, it’s a touching-at-times story of different ghosts, there’s a crime aspect, and it’s a horror story. Later is a short little novel that has an incredible amount packed into it. orderhistorik i Amazon Store) kan du gå till vår sekretesspolicy. Om du vill veta mer om hur och för vilka ändamål Amazon använder personuppgifter (t.ex. Du kan ändra dina val när som helst genom att gå till cookieinställningarna, enligt beskrivningen i cookiemeddelandet. Klicka på ”Anpassa cookies” om du vill neka dessa cookies, göra mer detaljerade val eller få mer information.

later stephen king amazon

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Later stephen king amazon