Ken Liu (Source: University of Southern California, US-China Institute) The combination gives me more aesthetic vantage points and narrative tools to deploy in my own writing, and allows me to question assumptions that may be held sacrosanct if I relied exclusively on my Western literary heritage. The other one, Chinese literature, covers Warring States and Spring and Autumn lyrics, Classical poems and essays, historical romances and vernacular novels, as well as more contemporary contributions like wuxia fantasies and chuanyue web serials. One of them, the Western canon, encompasses the Greek and Latin epics, Anglo-Saxon poetry, Renaissance vernacular compositions, and all the “great books” of the Anglo-American tradition, including diverse contributions from all authors in our multi-ethnic nation-state. I’m lucky to inherit two quite distinct literary traditions. In an interview, he answered to a question ,”How does your Chinese background and knowledge of East Asian history influence your writing? ” by saying Although he has been living in the US since he was a young boy, he is keen on interweaving Chinese culture with science fictional fantasy. Before he received JD degree from Law School, he started to write a short fiction in 2002 so his writing experience has been nearly 20 years. After graduation, he worked as a software engineer in Microsoft and later went to Harvard Law School. Then he went to Harvard University studying English Literature and Computer Science. His family immigrated from Lanzhou, China to the US when he was 11 years old. Ken Liu, the author of this book, has very unique background. Since my friend is from mainland China and loves her culture, I thought she would be interested in this book and she liked my suggestion. She mentioned that the book is the great combination of science fiction, fantasy and Chinese cultural story. I was recommended this book by one of my favourite Youtubers in South Korea specializing in book recommendation. After finishing ‘ Where the Crawdad Sings‘ for our book club, we chose ‘The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories’ as our second book.